As an expert on current and emerging threats to U.S. National Security you have been appointed by the President to lead a bi-partisan National Security Strategy Committee. The goal of the Committee will be to reform the National Security Strategy of the U.S. to address the traditional and non-traditional threats currently being faced by the United States.
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Get Help Now!The President has asked you to generate policy proposals to present to the Committee. Because not all members of the Committee are members of the President’s party they will not all share your views on the most significant threats currently being faced by the United States. You will need to convince the Committee that the threats you identify are those most in need of immediate action to protect the National Security of the United States.
Write a12-15 page double-spaced paper, using Turabian in TNR 12, (not including cover page or references) that addresses the following criteria:
-Generate the top two threats you believe pose the greatest danger to the National Security of the U.S.
-Prepare your justification for why these threats merit attention compared to other major threats being faced by the United States.
-Develop the policy changes you have generated to address these threats.
-Hypothesize how will members of the Committee react to your proposals. Include at least one reaction likely from a Committee member from a political party different than your own.
For this assignment, you are working with a hypothetical President. The President can be from any political party you choose, but please identify the political party. If you prefer, you may also assume you are working with the current President.