Tell us about your assignment and we will find the best writer for your project.
Get Help Now!Detail the ongoing nursing care interventions required to ensure Mr Jarvis’s needs are attended to and provide rationales under specific headings, e.g. hygiene needs. You will need to specify which component of the holistic model you are addressing with each care need. Hint: this could entail more than one holistic principle (Fig 1-4 page 13, Dempsey, Hillege, and Hill, 2015). You should address no less than 7 nursing considerations for this section.
For example:
- Nursing care intervention: Mobilisation with assistance.
- Assessment of general ease of movement and gait (body)
- Mr Jarvis’s increased confidence with mobility and willingness to mobilise (mind)
Case study
Mr Thomas Jarvis, a 78 year old gentleman has made the decision to move into an aged care facility after being assessed by the Aged Care Assessment team (ACAT) following the recent death of his wife Matilda. Mr Jarvis has three adult children and five grandchildren. Mr Jarvis is a longstanding asthmatic with a history of cardiovascular disease (CVD) and hypertension. Two months previous to taking up residence, Mr Jarvis had a cerebrovascular accident (CVA) requiring hospitalisation and six weeks rehabilitation. Following the CVA, Mr Jarvis has experienced difficulty communicating due to dysphasia. Whilst there is no problem with Mr Jarvis’s comprehension, he becomes frustrated at times at his inability to communicate. Mr Jarvis has a right sided hemiparesis and requires assistance with activities of daily living (ADL). Mr Jarvis has also indicated that he is constipated and has not had his bowels opened for the past two days. Mr Jarvis mobilises using a 4 wheel walker and has recently sustained a 3cm long skin tear to his right leg. He is a non-smoker, non-drinker, wears prescription glasses for both reading and distance vision and suffers mild hearing loss. As the student nurse you admit Mr Jarvis to the facility and gain the following objective data: · Temperature: 36.80C · Pulse: 80bpm · Respirations: 22rpm at rest with increasing breathlessness upon mobilising · BP: 145/85mmHg · SpO2: 94% on room air · Pain Assessment: Mr Jarvis indicates he has pain in his knees: 0/10 at rest, 4/10 on walking. · Weight: 90kg · Height: 175cm · Urinalysis: SG 1015 PH 7 NAD |
Part 2: Using the date ‘17th April, 2016’ complete the following documentation using data supplied. These documents will become the appendices in the assignment.
- Q-adds chart
- SOAP progress notes
- Nursing Documentation – Use SOAP framework to record in progress notes from admission.
Draw your information to a close by summarising key points.
- You will be required to reference your rationales, e.g. (Dempsey, Hillege, and Hill, 2015, p 945).
- You will be required to use at least four references one of which would be your text and at least two peer reviewed journals.
- Make sure all references are cited using APA format.
- Attach the documentation/ charts here.
- The assignment represents 50% of the course mark.
- Construct the assignment utilising three distinct sections – introduction, body and conclusion utilisingacademic writing structure.
- Please write to the included rubric.
- Word Limit 2000 words + or – 10%
- Submit via Study desk link (only) – NO emailed copies or hard copies accepted.
- Referencing is APA6 as per USQ library guidelines.
- You are required to keep an appropriate copy of your assessment (electronic or hard copy). In case of misadventure you are responsible to supply a copy on request.
- No cover page required, however ensure your name and student number are on each page.
Dempsey,J. Hillege,S.&Hill,R. (Eds). (2014).Fundamentalsofnursingandmidwifery:a person-centredapproachto care.(SecondAustralianandNewZealandedition).Sydney,NSW. LippincottWilliams&Wilkins. |
Marking Rubric
Grade | Description of Grade |
High Distinction
85-100 |
This assignment commands attention because of its insightful development and mature style. The response to the assignment task is convincing and elaborated upon with well-chosen and correctly referenced examples. It is written with aptly chosen words, effectively constructed sentences and a keen observation of the conventions of written English. |
75-84 |
This assignment provides a thoughtful and well-reasoned response to the assignment task with appropriate and correctly referenced examples. The sentences are constructed and words chosen to communicate clearly to the reader. The conventions of written English have been well observed. |
65-74 |
This assignment provides a competently reasoned response to the assignment task with some appropriate and mostly correctly referenced examples. The sentence structure and choice of words have sufficient precision to communicate the message to the reader. The conventions of written English have been observed. |
50-64 |
This assignment is satisfactory. It provides an adequate response to the assignment task with sufficient examples and adequate reasoning. The examples are mostly adequately referenced. The sentence structure and choice of words communicates adequately to the reader. The conventions of written English need to be observed more closely. |
<50 |
This assignment fails to respond appropriately to the proposed task. The responses are simplistic or incoherent and suggest some significant misunderstanding of the assignment objectives. The writing lacks appropriate structure and has a pattern of errors in word choice with poor grammatical expression. Correctly referenced examples are absent or poorly presented. More attention needs to be paid to the conventions of written English. |
Criteria | High Distinction | Distinction | Credit | Pass | Fail | Grade | |
Introduction | (15)
Thoroughly outlines arguments and points that are inset. Contains a brief general statement that relates to bigger issues or to the Assignment objectives, e.g. a background. This is followed by a thesis statement, which is a concise response to the assignment task, |
An above average outline of arguments and points that are inset. Statement that relates to bigger issues or to the Assignment objectives, e.g. a background is present but requires minor clarity. This is followed by a thesis statement, which is an acceptable response to the assignment task but requires minor clarity |
(8- 11)
A sound outline of arguments and points that are inset. Statement partially relates to bigger issues or to the Assignment objectives, e.g. a background is present but requires major editing. This is followed by a thesis statement, which is a partially acceptable response to the assignment task but requires major clarity |
An average outline of arguments and points that are inset. Reader finds it difficult to relate to bigger issues or to the Assignment objectives. This is followed by an attempt at a thesis statement, which requires major revision. |
Inappropriate or absent introduction.
/15 | |
Adequate and accurate documentation in patient charts | (10)
No errors
Minor errors <3
Major errors >3
Partially complete documentation
Complete absence or poorly attempted documentation |
/10 | |
Evidence of use of core principles of holism and person centered care | (40)
Thorough use, & applicationof core principles, with detailed rationales for inclusion. Links to several core principles are established. |
An above average use, & application of core principles, with good rationales for inclusion. Links to more than one core principle is established. |
A good sound use, & application of core principles, with adequate rationales for inclusion/ however lacking depth. Links to one core principle is established. |
An average use, & application of core principles, with average rationales for inclusion/ with no depth. Links to core principles are inconsistent |
A poor use, & application of core principles, with below average rationales for inclusion/ with no depth. No core principles are present |
/40 | |
Written Expression/ Grammar | (10)
High standard of written expression. Language is appropriate and of a high academic standard. Well-written and well-structured paragraphs. No breaches of grammar or spelling. Punctuation/tenses and use of person are of a high standard.
An above average standard of written expression. Language is appropriate and of a high academic standard with minor error. Well-written and well-structured paragraphs with minor error. Minor breaches of grammar or spelling. Punctuation/tenses and use of person are of an above average standard. |
A good sound standard of written expression. Language is appropriate and of a sound academic standard with major error. Unstructured paragraphs with many errors. Many breaches of grammar or spelling. Punctuation/tenses and use of person are of a sound standard. |
An average use of written expression that requires significant work. Language is not considered to be at an academic standard. Inconsistent use of paragraphs with only minimal structure evident. Major breaches of grammar or spelling. Punctuation/tenses and use of person are of an average standard. |
Poor written expression. Reader must reread sections to understand content. Poorly written paragraphs without any structure. Uses dot points. Uses colloquial language. Changes tenses. Changes ‘person’ (i.e. switches from 2nd person to 3rd person). Incomplete sentences. Run on sentences. Uses first person. Inappropriate punctuation. Misspelled words. Inappropriate abbreviations. (i.e. SMS language |
/10 | |
Comments: | |||||||
Appropriate Referencing:
In-text and Reference list |
Consistently correct in-text referencing as per USQ guidelines. Correct use of APA Referencing. Correct expression of secondary citations. Assignment acknowledges source of all referenced materials. |
Minor errors throughout. But consistent with requirements. |
Many inconsistencies with style of in-text referencing (those in the body of the paper)
Many Inconsistencies with reference list Moderate issues identified with referencing. |
Average use with style of in-text referencing (those in the body of the paper)
Many Inconsistencies with reference list |
Inappropriate or absent acknowledgement of cited material. Inappropriate paraphrasing from published literature’ Incorrect secondary citation; Incorrect use of ‘et.al.’ Reference List is not in alphabetical order. Format not consistent with APA Referencing. Inappropriate punctuation in list. Assignment utilizes material from sources without acknowledging source. |
/10 | |
Conclusion | (15)
Conclusion ties together main themes. Conclusions reflects completely on importance of findings. |
Minor gaps in drawing together main themes. Conclusion reflects majority of findings |
An above average attempts with many apparent gaps in drawing together main themes. Conclusion reflects some of findings |
Conclusion includes new material or does not summarize adequately Reads like an introduction |
Inappropriate or absent conclusion. Reference material in conclusion Student needs to visit
/15 | |
Comments: |
Total: | /100 | ||||||
Overall Comments:
Marker: Date: |