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Psychology Research Papers Topics

Psychology Research Papers Topics

Are you looking for good psychology papers topics? Look through the list of our ideas and find really good topic for your academic paper. Starting your search of subjects, take into consideration your supervisor’s guidelines. Talking about general psychology, you can choose the topic from the whole course. In some other cases, for example abnormal psychology, you can be assigned to write academic paper, concerning specific subject – psychological disorder, etc.

General Psychology Papers Topics

General psychology is a wide sphere of knowledge and the writer has a great opportunity to choose among the great selection of ideas. Picking up psychology papers topics, it is necessary to pay attention to some general idea and then narrow it down. Some of the most common ideas include:

  • Albert Bandura’s social cognitive theory and its observational learning. (check here: AP Psychology Paper Sample: Albert Bandura)
  • Psychology of games: What is the secret of the popularity of Pokemon Go? (check here: Psychology Papers: The One about Pokémon Go)
  • Psychological manipulation of consciousness and methods of protection. (check here: Advertising Essay Sample: People’s Psychology Manipulation)
  • Psychological features of professional restaurant business work. (check here: Psychology Paper Sample: Restaurants)
  • Protective methods in psychodiagnostic testing: Hand Test, Rorschach test and Lüscher color test. (check here: Psychology Essay: The Rorschach Test)
  • Experiment as a method of psychological research and its ethical problems. (check here: Psychology Essay Example: Failed Experiments)
  • Compulsive buying disorder: The psychology of sales. (check here: Psychology Behind Love For The Black Friday)
  • Psychology of needs: How does Maslow’s Pyramid works? (check here: Psychology Essay Sample: Maslow’s Concept)
  • Contradictions of the Muslim religion and classical psychology. (check here: College Essay Samples: The One about Muslim Students)
  • The dark side of human personality and its measures. (check here: Sample Essay Writing: Dark Personality)

Abnormal Psychology Papers Topics

The abnormal psychology itself deals with abnormal behavior and other disorders and academic papers topics on psychology usually deal with them and their treatment. For example:

  1. The diagnosis of attention in children with disabilities.
  2. Mechanisms of psychological protection of drug addicts and their relationship with personality traits.
  3. Pathological study of cognitive processes in organic brain lesions.
  4. Methods of diagnosis of specific personality disorders among young people.
  5. Psychological model of social anxiety disorder. Diagnosis and treatment.
  6. Violation of the basic components of cognitive activity in young men and women with schizophrenic disorders.
  7. Features of the course of circular depressions in patients with concomitant personality disorder.
  8. Depressive disorder with generalized anxiety. Diagnosis and treatment.
  9. The influence of hereditary factors in the formation of depressive disorders in children and adolescents.
  10. Clinical features of a recurrent depressive disorder in the cases of multiple sclerosis.
  11. Differential diagnosis and treatment of depressive disorders in women during menopause.
  12. Factors influencing the clinic and treating depressive disorders.
  13. Theoretical analysis of the mechanisms of the emotional Stroop effect.
  14. Perfectionism and satisfaction with body image in the personality structure of patients with eating disorders and alimentary obesity.
  15. The use of group art therapy in the complex hospital treatment of patients suffering from severe mental disorders.
  16. System of psychotherapy for family disadaptation in men and women with personality disorders.
  17. Approaches to complex therapy of panic disorder. Treatment options.
  18. Personal features in the mechanisms of the pathogenesis of a panic disorder.
  19. The occurrence of nocturnal panic attacks and their connection with depressive disorders.
  20. Psychological protection in children of mothers with personality disorders.

Developmental Psychology Papers Topics

This field of psychology deals with the lifespan of the person, so there is no need to worry about the variety of topics. Just make sure yourself:

  1. Determination of levels of understanding of the child on the experiments connected with the Piaget phenomenon.
  2. Development of reflective judgment and moral judgment.
  3. Role games as a means of developing psychological competence in adolescence.
  4. Diagnosis of child giftedness in early ontogeny.
  5. Analysis of reasons why children are fighting.
  6. The concept of aggression and the causes of its manifestation in children.
  7. Development of self-confidence in middle childhood (from 7 to 11 years).
  8. History and causes of dyslexia. A review of various modern methods of diagnosis and correction of dyslexia.
  9. The psychological status of a person subjected to abuse in the family.
  10. Prevention of child suicides and their relationship to family conflicts.
  11. Peculiarities of personal development and aggressive behavior of adolescent boys from single-parent families.
  12. Personal determinants of parenthood: paternity and masculinity.
  13. Gender roles: positive and negative impact on family relationships.
  14. How the roles of men and women have changed in society.
  15. Influence of mass media on the formation of the child’s personality.
  16. Features of mental and psychosexual development of persons who have experienced sexual violence.
  17. Psychological features that precede the formation of homosexuality.
  18. Moral development stages. Heinz’s Dilemma “Greedy Apothecary” or “Hack a Pharmacy?”
  19. Personal and social-emotional development in late adulthood (old age).
  20. Behavioral and emotional characteristics of adolescents from divorced families.
Cognitive Psychology Papers Topics

Among the most recommended cognitive psychology papers topics are:

  1. Cognitive psychology of coping with loneliness.
  2. Comparison of early Buddhism and concepts of cognitive psychology.
  3. Cognitive styles and impulsivity among gamers with different levels of gaming activity.
  4.  Social expectations for gifted children from the standpoint of cognitive psychology.
  5. Manifestation of the cognitive unconscious in the phenomenon of overconfidence.
  6. Behavioral and cognitive impact of the media on adolescents.
  7. The influence of music on the cognitive development of children of primary school age.
  8. Art-therapeutic methods and techniques in socio-psychological training.
  9. Emotional responsiveness: content and methods of development.
  10. The natural and social components of empathy and altruism.
  11. The diagnostic and therapeutic importance of medical empathy in psychiatry.
  12. Features of cognitive development of preschool children.
  13. The role of attention in the development of cognitive processes.
  14. Influence of power loads of different directions on the properties of short-term memory.
  15. Psychology of metacognitive processes of personality and its intricate relation with cognition.
  16. Psychological mechanisms of the “Deja vu” effect.
  17. Mental images of higher orders: the word as sounding and as meaning.
  18. Paramnesia: Cryptomnesia, false memory syndrome and confabulation.
  19. Cognitive psychology: the theory of the dual process of thinking.
  20. Psychology of decision making, or how we make choices.
Psychology Research Papers Topics
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