A professional portfolio is a structured collection of evidence
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Minimum inclusions:
achievements and competencies. A portfolio must also contain
evidence of reflective practice (Andre & Heartfield, 2011).
Part A: Briefly state your personal midwifery philosophy
Reflect on and analyse your personal midwifery philosophy in
relation to the ACM philosophy for midwifery and the role of the
midwife in the Australian setting. Relate this to the ANMC
competency and ethical standards for the midwife (300 words
not including your persona philosophy).
Using Gibbs’ reflective cycles (or a reflective model of your
choosing) reflect upon the scenario attached ‘APPENDIX TWO
B’. Discuss the ethical issues and how this situation would be
best dealt with in practice (350 words).
The Declaration of Social Media Responsibilities needs to be
read, signed and uploaded to your ePortfolio.
Part B: Explain your understanding of the purpose of the CCE program
and describe your obligations in this program (200 words).
Part C: Any documentary evidence of personal or professional
development. This should include your; resume, certificates of
attendance, attestations, letters of recommendation and
evidence of courses.
Due date: 16/05/16 10.00am
Weighting: 15%
Length and/or format: 850 words not including personal midwifery philosophy
Purpose: The purpose of this assignment is to assist you to review the unit
content and assess the following learning outcomes:
Learning outcomes assessed: GA1: Relate the underpinning philosophies of midwifery to
woman-centered midwifery practice
GA4: Applying the principles of reflective practice in identifying
and responding to their learning needs and initiating a
professional portfolio.
How to submit: Submit via the School of Nursing, Midwifery and Paramedicine
assignment drop box for MIDW127 in G block.
Return of assignment: Within 3 weeks from submission. Arrangements for collection will
be posted on the MIDW127 LEO
Assessment criteria: The Marking Guide attached as an appendix to this unit outline
will be used to grade your portfolio. Written, individual feedback
will also be provided.