Perfect Essay Writing

Principles of Exercise & Sport Science: Psychology & performance

  1. Write a paragraph thatdefines and describes the effect of at least two psychological factors that can affect sports performance.
    1. This paragraph should be 6-12 sentences long and should be referenced using the Harvard referencing style.

<insert answer to question 1>


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  1. Provide a chart that compares theSki Sit test performance for each group (solo versus crowd). Perform an unpaired t-test of your results, report the p value (i.e. the significance of the t value) and whether you think there is a significant difference between the groups.
    1. Please note that there is a link to a video on Cloud Deakin that provides instructions on how to perform a t-test.
    2. The chart can be created in Excel, copied as an image and pasted in the answer space below.
    3. Make sure that the chart is correctly labelled and conforms to basic scientific standards.


<insert answer to question 2>


  1. Provide a chart that compares theconcentration grid test performance for each group (silence versus distraction). Perform a paired t-test of your results, report the p value (i.e. the significance of the t value) and whether you think there is a significant difference between the groups.
    1. The chart can be created in Excel, copied as an image and pasted in the answer space below.
    2. Make sure that the chart is correctly labelled and conforms to basic scientific standards.

<insert answer to question 3>

  1. Provide answers to the following questions, writing several sentences for each.
  2. Regardless of whether there was a significant difference between the ski sit test performance of the solo and crowd groups, explain how the presence of a crowd could affect performance in this test.
  3. Describe three implications that your answer (to part 4a.) might have for athletes involved in sports that involve muscular discomfort.
  4. Describe your results for the concentration grid test and discuss if the way this experiment was conducted, might have affected the outcome (i.e. did the way in which the test was conducted affect performance on this test?)
    1. This paragraph should be 6-12 sentences long and should be referenced using the Harvard referencing style. Please support your writing with references!


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