Perfect Essay Writing

Institutional Racism

Institutional Racism


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Lesson objectives: 1. Understand how to properly critique an article; 2. Identify white privilege and have a understanding of it; 3. Learn how to reference an article; 4. Research a topic related article; 5. Be able to make a connection between prejudice and privilege and understand how they are related.

Write a critique of the attached article, “White privilege: Unpacking the invisible knapsack” These are the elements it must contain, what it says, what it doesn’t say, what you think it should day, and conclusion/summary/personal thoughts.

Please choose 2 other sources related to privileges either based upon race, class, gender, religion, or other groups who may experience discrimination.
White Priviledge Unpacking the Invisible Knapsack.pdf

Apa format, 4 pages max excluding reference

Institutional Racism

Need to write a Proposal to apply for SJD Program in law (PHD) in : infrastructure public-private Partnership between Arab Gulf and USA . ( PPP )

Errors in Hypothesis Testing

In §9.2 the concepts of Type I and Type II errors are introduced.

Now consider the situation where a husband and wife go to the doctor’s office to each get some tests run and the doctor accidently mixes up their charts. The doctor comes into the exam room with the results of the tests and declares that the wife is NOT pregnant but her husband IS indeed pregnant with a baby.

How does this illustrate the concepts behind Type I and Type II errors?

With this situation in mind, what type of error (Type I or Type II) is worse? Explain your reasoning.


Revision Plan

This week, you will consider how to improve your paper. First, review the Course Objectives (from the syllabus, and weekly “Getting Started” modules) to remind yourself about the goals of this course. Next, review the tips for revision, editing, and proofreading from the reading this week. Now consider the feedback you received on your rough draft. In your initial post to this discussion forum, discuss your rough draft in terms of the following Course Objectives:

Finding Sources

Analyzing Published Works

Using APA Style

Effective Writing

Presenting an Argument

Identify three ways that you will apply what you have learned from the reading (be specific) to help you create the final draft of your paper (the researched argument, Week 8 assignment). Your discussion should display your knowledge of the reading.

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