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Dissertation Topics In Business Administration

Dissertation Topics In Business Administration

  • Evaluating factors while formulating a business exit plan
  • Evaluating the best possible consolidation strategies for an established mobile brand
  • How making changes in promotional plans is important in consolidation phase
  • How product diversification can help a company go global?
  • How technology is promoting the ease of communication for a global business entity
  • How to manage diversified working population in a cross-border organizational set-up
  • Identifying the cost centres of a flourishing business and ways to convert them into revenue centres
  • Stock Market Reactions To Merger & Acquisition Announcements
  • Strategic Analysis Of The UK E-Retail Industry
  • Strategic Information System Planning In Investment Banks
  • Strategic management of change in Asian countries – The case of Singapore
  • Strategies that should be adopted to take a business to the international market.
  • Structured Finance as a Tool for Poverty Alleviation
  • Studying the impact of culture on organisational behaviour – The case of Indian telecommunication industry
  • Success Factors of Customer Relations Management
  • The contract in an international supply chain?
  • The economic downturn has left many British companies struggling for survival.
  • The effect of strategic thinking in the corporate culture
  • The Effect of TQM on the Service Industry
  • The Future Bases For Competitive Advantage In The Telecom Industry
  • The impact of organisational culture and leadership behaviours on practices of knowledge management in small and medium sized enterprises
  • The Importance of the Automotive Industry in the Business Growth
  • The Influence Of Economic Liberalization On Indian Textile Industries
  • The Multicultural Design Manager
  • The Office Market in Central Birmingham.
  • The Positioning Strategy of Etihad Airways.

Business Management Thesis Topics

Dissertation Topics In Business Administration Sample
Dissertation Topics In Business Administration Sample
  • Case study: Understanding the exit plan of a leading noodle manufacturer from UK market
  • Continue or switch: How to make the correct business decision for long term survival
  • Corporate social responsibility: is it helpful in expanding the business?
  • Cost vs Revenue: Study of implications of introducing a diversified line in the existing business
  • Effects of organizational changes in the productivity of an organization
  • Importance of 5-day working environment in the business consolidation stage
  • Is it required to change the product as per the tastes of foreign users?
  • Merge or sell-off: appropriate business strategy for a dying business
  • Role of advertising and promotion in business expansion phase – how much is too much
  • Short term vs long term goals: How setting goals can help you expand the business
  • Significance and challenges of using wireless technology in making a business global
  • Technology and innovation: How introducing new technologies changed the face of an existing business – case study of a leading mobile phone company
  • The relationship between corporate objectives and employees’ performance – The role of shared standards and values
  • The report will discuss how employee engagement adds value to an organisation
  • The role of celebrity in the endorsement.
  • The role of strategic alliances, acquisitions and mergers in building eCommerce business giants – A case study of any large scale and established virtual company
  • The roots of Apple fanaticism: best marketing lessons.
  • The UK Investment Capital Industry
  • To establish the importance of measuring stress levels of employees in order to successfully implement change
  • What factors make consolidation an unignorable truth in a highly competitive market
Dissertation Topics In Business Administration
Dissertation Topics In Business Administration

Management Dissertation Topics Examples

  • To investigate the important elements of information technology management
  • To what extent international certifiable management regulations influence business practices
  • Traits of prevention oriented and charismatic leader for successful operation of medium sized enterprises
  • Understanding the CRS and the role it plays in maintaining a Company’s corporate responsibility index.
  • Use of a proprietary change management system with respect to transformational change and stakeholder communication
  • What are the main factors affecting employee retention?
  • What Factors Make A Successful Business?
  • Why organisations and businesses must change their business strategies in the era of globalization
  • Word of mouth: a never-dying marketing form.
  • The role of CSR on international corporate governance theories and practices
  • The role of feedback in organisational culture change: A case study of any multinational company
  • The role of global marketing negotiations in cross-border.
  • The role of senior management of business organisations in developing a framework that connects unexpected results and strategic plans

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