Instructions and Grading Criteria for Lab Assignment #1
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Get Help Now!Assignment instructions for the written report appear with the grading criteria below. The questions that must be addressed in the report and instructions for the lab portion of the assignment are attached to this assignment. Note: there are two parts to this lab, each part contains 4 questions for you to answer.
The CSEC630 Lab 1 Assignment PDF attached document includes an introduction section to CrypTool. Lab part 1 starts on page 11 and Lab part 2 starts on page 17. Please submit a Word document that contains your answersto all 8 questions to Lab1 Assignment for 4 full pages. You can use 2 questions for 1 page.
Objective: The objective of the lab session is for the student to explore cryptography in action by using the educational CrypTool.
Competencies: Technology fluency, critical thinking
Instructions: For this lab assignment, each student completes the lab exercise using the CrypTool software and prepares a report addressing the questions included in the lab assignment instructions attached to this topic.
Grading Criteria
This assignment is worth 10 percent of your total grade.
- Your score for this assignment can range from 0-100 percent. There are eight questions.
- full credit- The answer is thoroughly developed and clearly stated. It represents a thorough literature review (if applicable). It demonstrates graduate level writing style. No issues with APA compliance (if applicable).
- partial credit – The answer is adequately developed and stated. It represents an adequate literature review (if applicable). Writing is acceptable. Minor issues with APA compliance (if applicable).
- no credit – The answer is neither adequately developed nor clearly stated. It represents an inadequate literature review (if applicable). Writing is unacceptable. Major issues with APA compliance (if applicable).
Instructions and Grading Criteria for Lab#2 (5 pages, 5 references)
Note: This is a more technical lab than the first lab and it is necessary to look outside the lab itself to answer some of the questions. This is part of the research component that is a criteria for a graduate level course.Most of these open ended questions have multiple possible answers you need to provide all possible solutions to obtain maximum credit. Assignment instructions for the written report appear with the grading criteria below.
Lab Assignment #2
Objective: The objective of the lab session is to become familiar with Intrusion Detection and Protocol Analysis
Instructions: For this lab assignment, each student completes the lab exercise using both SNORT and Wireshark software programs and prepares a report addressing the questions included in the lab assignment instructions CSEC630 Lab Assignment 2 file attached to this assignment. You must use 2 questions for 1 full page for a total of 5 pages.
NOTE: Please be very specific in your response include screenshots to support your answers where applicable and where there are multiple answers to a question please include all that apply.
Grading Criteria:
This assignment is worth 10 percent of your total grade.
- Your score for this assignment can range from 0-100 percent. There are ten questions.
- full credit- The answer is thoroughly developed and clearly stated. It represents a thorough literature review (if applicable). It demonstrates graduate level writing style. No issues with APA compliance (if applicable).
- partial credit – The answer is adequately developed and stated. It represents an adequate literature review (if applicable). Writing is acceptable. Minor issues with APA compliance (if applicable).
- no credit – The answer is neither adequately developed nor clearly stated. It represents an inadequate literature review (if applicable). Writing is unacceptable. Major issues with APA compliance (if applicable).
CSEC630 –Major Research Paper(10 pages, 20 references)
Objective:Assess the security vulnerabilities of an organization’s computer/network operating systems along with the techniques used to protect them.
Competencies:Critical thinking
Instructions: In 10 double-spaced pages discuss the following:
- The relative advantages and disadvantages of at least three different measures used to protect operating systems.
- The ease of implementation of the measures.
- The associated security management issues related to measures discussed above.
- The ranking of the measures from best to worst with supporting rationale.
Prepare your paper in Word. Include a minimum of 5 sources. The citations and the reference list in the paper should be formatted in accordance with APA 6th edition guidelines. The assignment is due at the end of the session week 7.