All students wishing to proceed to their final project should meet ALL the following conditions:
Tell us about your assignment and we will find the best writer for your project.
Get Help Now!- All first year modules are complete and recorded as a pass or irredeemable fail.
- The student should be following regular progression and have no more than two
modules outstanding.
- Both internships should be complete.
- The Final Project Development Workshop should be complete.
Final Projects
All students are required to complete a Final Project appropriate to their specialisation.
Students will be asked to develop their subject area, research question, literature review and
methodology within the Final Project Development Workshop. A Methodology document will
be used to assess the workshop and will be then used to develop the final report.
Students will be appointed a tutor who will guide them through the final stages of the report.
It is envisaged a maximum of 2 hours of contact time with the student.
The length of the Final Project is 10 000 words ± 10%, excluding appendices and supporting
material. Final Projects which are over length will be penalised by 10 marks for up to 20%
over the word limit. Final Projects over 20% will not be accepted.
Copies of the Final Project must be submitted as follows:
- bound copy of the final project
- unbound copies of the abstract
- An electronic copy submitted on as instructed
2016 Submissions should be submitted by June 6th, 2016.
Extensions to the deadline for submitting final project will only be granted in exceptional
circumstances. Extensions must be requested in writing to the Head of Governance, along
with supporting evidence (for example: medical certificates). Extensions are limited in
duration and students will normally be expected to submit by the next available deadline.
Further extensions will not be granted except in very exceptional circumstances.
In the case of late submission, students who submit their final project up to 2 weeks after the
given deadline will have 10% of the given mark deducted. Students who do not submit within
this timescale will be deemed to have failed and be given a mark of zero (0). The Board of
Examiners may give such students one further opportunity to submit their dissertation for a
maximum of a capped mark of 40. The deadline for resubmission will be set by the
examination board.
Students who fail their Final Project will be given only one further opportunity to submit. The
deadline for resubmission will be set by the examination board.
Final Projects are double marked by two members of academic staff and an agreed mark
which is not necessarily the arithmetic mean of the two marks, given. Where the two markers
cannot agree on a mark, a third independent marker will also mark the work to resolve any
difference of opinion.
A copy of the grading sheet is attached to this document.
Students may, at the discretion of the examiners, be required to attend a viva voce
examination or such other tests as may be considered appropriate. Wherever possible the
viva should be held before the end of term, but this cannot be guaranteed.
Sources and Referencing
All ethical issues pertaining to this research project must be discussed with your tutor and
you should seek formal approval for such matters. Please see your academic coordinator for
pertinent forms and more detailed information.
Students must follow the Harvard referencing system for the Final Project. Plagiarism of any
kind will not be tolerated and you will be awarded zero if there is any evidence of plagiarism.
Please read the regulations on Academic Misconduct available on the Portal.
Students are reminded to use valid and peer-reviewed references to support their work.
Websites should only be used if they represent an established source and only for facts and
figures. Students should make the most of academic and practitioner books and articles.
Project Structure
The project should consist of the following chapters:
1) Introduction
How well does the student set the context for the research (why did you choose this topic,
how did you come about this research), how clear are the objectives related to the context
set, how well does the student set out the scope of the research?
2) Literature review
How extensive and exhaustive is the literature review? Does it have both breadth and depth?
Has the referencing been properly done? How well does the student demonstrate learning
from reading others’ work? Does the student’s work stand on the shoulders of giants whose
work he/she has familiarised himself/herself with?
Has the student been able to critically evaluate the literature rather than simply summarising
it? Has the student been able to show how the literature reads and fits with his/her proposed
question and show how his/her work will progress knowledge further?
3) Methodology
How were the data collected? (present a timeline of collection, issues/challenges : how
were challenges dealt with, outline development of data collection tools)
How rigorous was the methodology in collecting the data (sampling, rationale for methods
used; academic underpinning of methods used – why and similarly why were other
methods not considered suitable)? How well did the student adapt to changes and new
factors that arise during research?
How are ethical considerations pertaining to the research addressed? How does the
student understand the limitations of his/her research?
4) Findings & Analysis
Does the student explain the findings in an understandable manner? Does the student
make intelligent sense of the data gathered in relation to the research questions set? Does
the student critically evaluate the findings (quality of findings and analysis – not simply
summarising the text)
5) Conclusion, recommendation and discussion
How well is the student able to connect draw conclusions from the findings and relate them to
the research objectives? How does the student link the findings & analysis and conclusion to
the recommendation for future research?
How well does the student interpret the findings in the light of the literature that s/he has
6) Flow of the dissertation, referencing
How does the student structure and present his/her report (ease of reading for the examiner,
formatting, fonts used, spaces provided, tables, graphs, figures, etc., properly labelled,
presented and placed)? Has the referencing been properly done?
How easy is it to read and understand the dissertation?